Animal Success Stories
We're always happy when our beloved foster cats find their new forever homes, but we're even happier when we hear from our adopters! Here are some of their stories about their new family members:

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"we are just SO delighted with Mimi….She is so sweet and so “laid back”, and so independent..….You have done a fabulous job with her…She is very trusting of and comfortable with her humans. You were right that it wouldn’t take long for her to adapt….She is very responsive to both of us, and we, in turn, love having her company. She does like to be “wherever we are” and is now sleeping on the bed with us at night, plus giving us lots of cat signals that she belongs to us. This, of course, means that we are Staff-In-Training…ha…..She is very used to the house now, and has claimed it as her own, sometimes racing from the downstairs to the upstairs and back. She also, we are discovering, has a lot of kitten-play left in her system….Just loves to play, and is fun to watch…..I feel quite sure that she misses you, but I am also sure that she enjoys her solitary “rule” of the household..ha She doesn’t have ANY negative traits that I can see, and she is very content to be an inside cat, which is excellent…. Sue in Lago Vista.

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